

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Ten social media tips for college students before heading back to school

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Author: Jody Grant provides thesis writing at dissertation writing services. Loves bowling, swimming and reading. Writing tips is her hobby.
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The summer holidays are always great. There is so much fun, friends, parties and sunshine. School is often forgotten. But truth is you have to face to the realities that college will resume, somehow.  And when it does, you have to be up for it. You have to be prepared. With everyone in college on social media, it can be hectic going back to school, with the same mindset. This article gives you tips on how to deal with social media before college resumes.

       You first need to make a story with what’s posted on social media. Everybody else has a story for what happened in the summer. You need to have something you will tell your buddies when college resumes. This means you have to get rid of any giveaways, stories that will not add up, me-only photos and others that could be controversial. 

    You also need to ask your friends about their summer jobs. This is a practice that will boost your networking capabilities. In most cases, your college mates are your biggest connections or networks in school. Often, this relationship extends way after you graduate. Cultivate the connections now. 

     You also need to update your LinkedInprofile with your summer job. If you can get a colleague or boss to recommend you, you can rest assured the impact is great. The benefits of having a summer job are intense. Interviewers look for students who work hard. Rather than depend on your parents for upkeep, having a job to take care of yourself is something employers want. Moreover, the recommendation can go a long way in boosting your career prospects. 

    You need to get your former-summer bosses recommendations. Recommendations are good. The higher up the ladder your recommendation is, the better trust future employers will have in you. This can also boost your future career prospects. 

     Make it a practice to check your online yourself online. You would be amazed at what you find about yourself when you search your name on Google. Make sure you do this to keep off the bad profiles you could have made during the summer. This will help you clean your image if there is anything incriminating. The other advantage of Googling yourself is to know what others have at your disposal. This can also help you later when you want a career for yourself. 

     It’s also important for you to Visit RateMyprofessor.comto see how your professors fair. It’s bad to go back to class with a professor who is already tired. And because you pay a lot of money to get the best education possible, you cannot do it with a professor who is not accountable, forward moving and full of energy. It’s the only way you will become successful as life goes. It will also be good to make your professor deliver on his or her mandate wherever you are.

      You should also rent a few textbooks on kindle. There are many options available for you here. Not only will it save you all the costs that come with buying a new book, but it also helps you be prepared before the semester starts.

These are just some of the things you can do to start new semester at school after the summer. Keep your mind open to new ideas and your new term will be a success and better than last time.