

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Zero Tax for Facebook CEO's Mark Zuckerberg having Net Salary of $1 Only in 2013

Today's interesting news is that Facebook Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg next year in 2013 will gets a base salary of just $1 from its current base salary of $600,000 dramatically cutting-off his annual pay following up other Tech industry's CEO's and Founders including Apple’s late Steve Jobs, Google’s Eric Schmidt and Larry Page, Hewlett-Packard’s Meg Whitman and Oracle’s Larry Ellison who are also getting a base salary of just $1. You would be now thinking why these Internet Entrepreneur and CEO's are cutting-off their base salaries? It’s because of by doing this their income tax burden would be zero or nil and their life will be a tax-free debts.

Facebook CEO's Mark Zuckerberg

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