

Thursday, 24 January 2019

How to Prevent Blogger from Showing Label Massage on Your Blog

image01Being a blogger and have a blog created on blogger platform, one thing you may noticed that whenever you or someone visits a label link in a blogger blog, there at the top, a message appears i.e let you’ve a label named Free Online Tools then the message appears like "Showing posts with label ‘Free online tools’ show all posts" as in the below picture. Which I don’t like himself so if you too don’t want this message to appear after visiting a label, then you arrived at the right place because what’s here we’re going to discuss, is to remove this message from your blogger blog which is very easy to remove, so all you’ve to do it to follow the below easy steps & instruction given in this post.



Why you should remove this message from blogger

You know most of bloggers (Me too) link to a label from the top menu bar, if you’re linking a label at the top navigation bar then as my opinion it will be considered a good idea if you are thinking of, to prevent blogger from showing the label message anymore for better user-friendly navigation. Or some other may just naturally don’t like to show this message when someone visit a label link on your blogger blog.


Prevent blogger from ‘showing posts with label’ message after visiting a label

Well, If you are who don’t want this message to be appear next time when someone click and visit a label then it is very easy, all you’ve to do is to make some editing in blogger template, what changes you need to do? All the instructions are given below!


1) We are going to edit template so Go to your blogger dashboard and then select a blog from which you want to remove this message.


2) Click on "Template" and then "Edit Template". (But before making editing you must to download a backup of your template, because if something goes wrong then you will install it and you'll nothing to lose).


3) Now search for below code (press ctrl + F to search).

<b:includable id='status-message'>


4) After you found it, click on sideways arrow in front of it to expand and see the full code. After expanding the corresponding arrow, you’ll see full code for which we’re looking. Now highlight all the code i.e peace of code given below.

<b:includable id='status-message'>

     <b:if cond='data:navMessage'>

     <div class='status-msg-wrap'>

       <div class='status-msg-body'>



       <div class='status-msg-border'>

         <div class='status-msg-bg'>

           <div class='status-msg-hidden'><data:navMessage/></div>




     <div style='clear: both;'/>




Once you replaced the above code with the below one, then everything was required is done now! Save the template and check your blog by clicking on a label, there will be no longer message to show on your blog if someone visit a label on your blog.

So dear friends above we discussed the method for removing the label message which appear at the top of content area when someone visit a label on your blog, I hope that you understood the post and this post will help you in order to prevent blogger from showing label message.


Author Bio: Basheer Ahmad is a blogger, who love to share something useful about internet and help others regarding blogging, SEO, and social media. He recommends you to read his post i.e Best & Free online video converters, Connect with him on Goolge+ or Facebook.
