

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Is Guest Blogging Still working For SEO Or Dead?

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Well, even few years back, guest blogging was considered to be the best way to attract search engines and gain a perfect ranking. But, at present, there seems to be a dilemma regarding the proper use of guest blogging. Some says, it is still in vogue, but most of the other states that guest blogging is dead. Is it true? Is guest blogging seriously dead? Recent case studies and news feeds have indicated that it was gone that time, when guest blogging was defined as a perfect SEO strategy. And this announcement was used to avoid using guest blogging for gaining links.

Some of the features involved:

Before proceeding further and run a conclusion, it is mandatory for you to learn a bit more about the features, which connect guest blogging with SEO.

  • Google is known for hating the spam and repetitive content. And your website ranking will always be on the top ranking when you have original content to post, with great quality and accurate result. And that’s the time when you need guest blogging to help you in this matter. And it clearly states that guest blogging is still in vogue and much needed, for a company’s growth.

  • You cannot deny the importance of social sharing, from some of the popular accounts. It's beneficial and can always choose to work for the growth of your social site. Therefore, it even proves the importance, which guest blogging holds these days.

  • The best thing about guest blogging is that it helps you to procure links from some of the authoritative webpages. This is a massive plus point for raising the search ranking of the domain. And the traffic from those linked sites is going to help you to make growth in online market.

If you go through these points, then you can be sure of one thing; guest blogging is still much in vogue and not dead. These are some of the reasons on why people are inclining more towards guest blogging rather than using black hat SEO tactics.

Importance to add guest posting:

Well, there are certain mandatory points, which will show you the importance of guest posting, even now. This is the perfect and proven way to drive traffic, which in turn, will increase the sales ratio. And this will further help in the growth of your brand. But, you have to be sure about the guest post services, and avoid trying to use it more, to get rid of spam.

Some companies are mostly emailing every single blogger they can lay their hands on. And they are asking all of them to write something for the products and services, those companies are dealing with. It is better to avoid create such situation, as that calls for some negative results. You should try restricting your usage to some bloggers and for certain span of time only. That will help you in the long run. :)

Be sure of the points:

Whether you want to take services of guest blogging or not is entirely up to you, being a website owner, you need to be aware of the potential dangers, revolving around poor quality blogs, and if they are not, then there are high chances that the sites might get penalized.

It is time for you to move through some scenarios, where guest bloggers will promise you to provide free and fresh content, and that will help in enriching the website and get some proper results, as expected.

These guest bloggers are likely to promise you with better result of your marketing campaign. But, before believing their words, you have to be aware of the link schemes, which they are offering you with.

I hope that above point will help you in your future guest blogging strategies, if you feel that i have missed something please let me know in the comment section, i will more than happy to make any addition which help these points to more useful for other.

So stay tuned for future updates, peace and blessing bodies :)