We also know it, starting a blogging career can be bit difficult for newbie. When I started My Blogger Tricks about one and half year ago, we had no idea where can start a blog. I kept searching for “making blog tutorials” and “how-to” guides on Google, but they all required technical skills and I found them extremely difficult to follow. But after spending to much time to learning about blogging, Now i have intermediate experience about blogging, Now i can say it, starting a blog is very easy and you don't need to have any technical or coding skills (HTML, CSS). Because blogger platform make it extremely easy, all process is somewhat automatic. Nowadays blogging is very useful & also you can make your reasonable career by making blog. If you're a newbie to blogging, and want to start off your own blog, then chances are, you are aiming for a small-investment blog. Such blogs only require a small amount of investment to run, and this includes hosting charges, buying templates/themes, and maybe a few premium plugins.
We just start our series about "Start your blogging career."
Choose A Topic For Your Blog
Blogging is becoming more and more common these days, and there's a blog for almost everything, from health, fitness, fashion, Designing, Graphics and computers to free software, and so on. If you want to attract readers, you are going to need to establish your credibility. Don't just blog about anything. Pick a unique topic you are passionate about. Something that you have lots of experience with. your blog will be just another existence online without real meaning, known by only a few people. So build up some motivation and will-power before you start blogging, because if you lose heart midway, all your hard work will be lost.
Choose Best Blogging Platform
First you need to choose which blog host you’re going to use. If you aren’t sure how committed you’ll be to blogging and just want to try it out, I suggest that you start with a free host like Blogger. Blogger has a wizard that will help you get your blog started. You’ll begin by creating an Google account, naming your blog (they’ll let you know if the name you want is already taken), and choosing a template.
Choose Brainstorm Domain Name & Buy
First thing, in order to start a blog, you need to killer domain name and second thing in choosing best hosting server. For finding domain name use these free services like LeanDomainSearch or Bust A Name can help you generate domain ideas and see if they’re available. Once you finally decide a domain name, you need to buy domain by using any hosting service. We Recommend that you must use GoDaddy, because this is probably the most well known place to register domain names and our blog is also hosted on GoDaddy Server. Another Hosting server is InMotion, you can register to host your blog with InMotion, you can setup a domain with them in very cheap rates. You can pick up a .com/.net/.org domain will cost you $7-10/year which is dirt cheap.
You can also create a free blog on a blogger.com or tumblr.com, but they are not actually free.
You are not able to get your OWN domain – Instead, you will get a sub-domain. My blog (myblogger-tricks.com) has its own domain, but if I had decided to start a blog on blogger.com , then it would look like myblogger-tricks.blogspot.com...
In our next post we will learn how to setup your new blog and how to register your domain on GoDaddy Registrar.
Now that you’ve learned how to start a blog and why you should start a blog you can subscribe to The MyBloggerTricks via email to receive free updates from MyBloggerTricks. (No spam. Ever. Spam is yucky!)
If you found this tutorial helpful, feel free to share it below. It really means a lot to me!
If you started a blog, you might want to join to my blogging series for beginners.