

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Using Google Advanced Search for Lesson Resources

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When I teach my Google course for educators, teachers are always amazed when I show them how easy it is to find lesson resources using Google advanced search. They also wish they knew about this tool sooner!  The advanced search tool allows you filter your searches by file type.  So, if you need a good PowerPoint for your lesson, but you don't have time to create one, you can use Google advanced search to find great PowerPoint lessons that are ready to use.  Simply type your lesson topic in your Google search box, then click the "Advanced Search" link just below the search symbol on the right.

The advanced search window will open.  Click on the drop down menu next to the words "File Type".  

Here are a few of the lesson file types you can choose from:

Google Earth (.kmz)
Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt)
Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)- a good way to search for worksheets or printables
Shockwave Flash (.swf)- usually interactive tools or activities that can be used on the Smartboard.

Click the "Advanced Search" button at the bottom right and your search results will include only the file format you have chosen (for example, all PowerPoints).

Here are some great PowerPoints (.ppt) and Interactive Activities (.swf) that I found on Phases of the Moon by using the Google advanced search:

Have fun searching for great resources!
