

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

AudioPal: Audio Player for Your Website

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Add instant interactivity and interest to your teacher website with AudioPal.  AudioPal is a free online tool that creates an audio player that can be embedded on your website.  You can record your audio by phone or microphone, you can upload an audio file, or you can use AudioPal's text to speech function.  Then just preview your audio, enter your email address and you will get an embed code to place the audio on your website.

Teachers can create audio recordings to:

  • Create a personal welcome message for your website.
  • Provide directions or review for your auditory learners.
  • Record a daily/weekly message for parents.
  • Provide differentiated instruction.
  • Record a problem of the day, fact of the day, or thought of the day.
  • Read books, chapters, or directions for students to read along with at home.
  • Use sound effects for a writing prompt.
  • Use audio recordings of words along with written words for ESOL or foreign language practice.
Students can create audio recordings to:
  • Practice reading and fluency.
  • Create an oral report.
  • Record a daily/weekly message for parents.
  • Record book reviews or discussions.
  • Record info about the child of the week.
  • Write and record stories or poetry.
  • Record patterns using sounds or speech.
  • Record a song about something learned in class.
  • Practice foreign language pronunciation.
I bet you can think of so many more ideas, share your ideas by commenting!
Try my AudioPal here: