

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Apple becomes Biggest Mobile Technology Litigation & Patent's Lawsuit Company

Somehow or Someway Apple has now become the World's largest and biggest Mobile Technology Litigation Company in last two years as compare to its competitors i.e. Nokia, HTC, Samsung, Google, Kodak, Motorola, Elan etc. It’s true that many Patents’ Lawsuit and Litigation are going on in this year as well as previous two years either its patent’s lawsuit war between Apple and Samsung, Apple and Nokia, Apple and Google or Apple and HTC etc. but the winner of biggest Mobile Technology Patent's Lawsuit is surely an Apple. According to an intellectual-property consulting firm called Kanzatec IP Group; Apple is indirectly or directly involved in at least 80 percent of all the mobile technology litigation and patent's lawsuits that took place in the last two years and in year 2012. We will show you an Infographic based on World's largest and biggest Mobile Technology Litigation and Patent's Lawsuit Company entitled "Who is suing Whom?" which you will find interesting.

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