

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Apple's Siri and Galaxy's S-Voice Says "Windows Phone" is Best Smartphone Ever

Find Out "World's Best Smartphone" According to Apple's Siri and Samsung's S-Voice Recognition System

Do you guys want to know world's best Smartphones Voice Recognition System has to say when questioning about "What's the world's best Smartphone Ever?" Yes i am talking about Apple's iPhone 4S Siri's Voice Recognition System and Samsung's Galaxy S-III S-Voice Recognition System. The world's top smartphone maker company's Apple and Samsung has introduced a Voice Recognition Features on their own devices i.e. Apple's Siri and Samsung’s S-Voice. When the users of both the smartphones asked the question through Voice Recognition Features the answer was totally different from both Apple and Samsung devices. Both iPhone and Galaxy S smartphone interestingly had given the answer of their competitor name which is Microsoft's "Windows Powered Phone". Apple's iPhone 4S Siri's and Samsung's Galaxy S-III S-Voice Says that "Windows Phone is best Smartphone Ever".

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