

Friday, 18 June 2010

Birds of a Feather at Open Source Bridge

The second annual Open Source Bridge, held in Portland, Oregon, was a blast. I presented a talk on Foundations, Non-Profits, and Open Source and I participated in some great sessions as well on topics ranging from How to Give a Great Tech Talk (including the 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective Speakers) and a geek choir.

The best part of the conference in my opinion, though, was the Google Summer of Code™ Birds of a Feather (“BoF”) session that we held on Thursday night. I and my fellow Googlers, Ellen Ko and Cat Allman, met some past and present students and mentors and also talked with some enthusiastic students who may be applying next year. There was, of course, the traditional post-BoF gathering at Old Town Pizza, as well. We all had some great conversations, made some new friends and are looking forward to the Google Summer of Code BoF at OSCON on Wednesday July 21st.

Hope to see you there!
