

Saturday, 6 June 2009

Getting Started in Free and Open Source

The Open Source Programs Office's Cat Allman and Leslie Hawthorn will be presenting at a brand new conference, Open Source Bridge, in two weeks. Their talk, "Getting started in Free and Open Source" will be held on Wednesday, June 17 from 11:20am – 12:05 PM. Leslie and Cat will share their wisdom with Open Source newbies and those looking to attract or retain them. Their talk will cover the basics of:
  • Why you might want to get involved
  • What you can get out of participating
  • What you can contribute besides code
  • How to choose a project
  • How to get started
  • Etiquette of lists and other communication
  • Dos and don’ts of joining a community
The conference is held in Portland, Oregon and runs from June 17th to the 19th. It features over 80 talks in five tracks of Open Source topics and a 24-hour hacker lounge for code sprints. One of the most exciting aspects of Open Source Bridge is that it is entirely volunteer-run, and because this conference brings together developers from all different types of Open Source projects, the structure is designed to provide developers an opportunity to learn from people they might not connect with at other events.

We hope to see you there!
