

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

New File Systems Added to MacFUSE

The MacFUSE State of the Union Talk video is now available. The source code for the new file systems discussed and demonstrated during the talk is also available. Please head over to the MacFUSE source repository for the following:
  • AncientFS - a file system that lets you mount ancient, and in some cases current-day Unix data containers as regular volumes on Mac OS X.

  • UnixFS - a general-purpose abstraction layer for implementing Unix-style file systems in user space.

  • ufs - a user-space implementation (read-only) of the UFS file system family.

  • sysvfs -a user-space implementation (read-only) of the System V file system family.

  • minixfs -a user-space implementation (read-only) of the Minix file system family.
Enjoy playing with the new file systems! We always love to hear your feedback, so please share your thoughts with us as comments on this post or in our MacFUSE Discussion Group.