How it works
With Quiz & Poll, teachers & educators can create quizzes and polls easily using Google Spreadsheets. Quizzes and Polls are distributed to students via the Android app or an embeddable webplayer. Statistics data is written back to the spreadsheet so the instructor can track student responses and understanding.
Key Features

The quizzing app and leaderboard
How it’s builtThe Quiz & Poll application showcases how you can combine several Google technologies to make an easy to use app. The code is useful for developers curious about following technologies and how they interact:
- Android app communicating with backend on AppEngine (Python+Django)
- AppEngine backend is communicating with GData Spreadsheets API
- Google Apps Script (used for interface to administer polls)
- Closure Javascript framework (used for web player)
Try it out
To see the app in action watch our how-to demo videos:
If you’d like to explore the project code and documentation, check it out on Google Code, where you can also find a sample implementation that you can try out.
Happy quizzing!
By Bridget Campbell, The Learning Technology Team