

Thursday, 9 October 2008

google-glog: Application Level Logging

As you no doubt know, all real-world software has bugs. If you're trying to fix a serious bug, log messages can be just as helpful to you as favorite debugging tools. In order to help make your lives easier, we're releasing google-glog, a C++ library widely used here at Google. It provides simple yet powerful APIs to various log events in your program. You can log messages by severity level, control logging behavior from the command line, log based on conditionals, abort the program with stacktrace when expected conditions are not met, introduce your own verbose logging levels, and more. This library currently supports a variety of Unix-like systems (e.g. FreeBSD, Mac OS X and Cygwin), as well as GCC.

We're looking to add support for other platforms and compilers, and we'd love your help to do so. It may be not trivial since this library depends on several POSIX APIs for now. You can learn more by checking out our How To documentation, and we look forward to your feedback in our google-glog discussion group. Happy hacking!