

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Summer of Coders at Google's Bangalore R&D Center

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At the end of July, several Google Summer of Code™ students got a chance to visit Google Bangalore. This being my first Summer of Code, I was very excited to visit the Google office and get a feel of what life is like when you work at Google. We had a bunch of students visit from all across India, and getting to meet them in person after days of talking on IRC added to the excitement!

Our hosts enlightened us about what Google is all about, the office itself, the company's India operations, and the Google 15 factor because of all the awesome food! We were also treated to a talk on the History of Google. Mr. Rahul Roy-Chowdhury’s presentation showcasing Google’s Vision & DNA gave us insights into how “different” Google’s business has been right from the start. We also got to know how new and innovative things are conceived of at Google and how projects end up in Google Labs, specifically the Google Indic Transliteration engine and Google News.

We all had a fantastic time and left feeling enriched and inspired. Many thanks to Google for hosting us!