

Monday, 13 August 2012

Google Summer of Code Wrapping up its 8th year

This summer has been an exciting one for the Google Summer of Code. We had 180 organizations participating this year, 45 of which were participating for the first time in the program. In May, 1212 students, including students from Nepal and Mauritius, were selected by these mentoring organizations to participate in the program.

Currently we are in the final week of this year's Google Summer of Code. Today, August 13, is our suggested ‘pencils down’ date. Students have a week to scrub their code, write tests, improve the documentation and perform any other recommendations their mentors might make before the firm end date of this year’s program - Monday, August 20.

For more information on our organizations or the projects students are working on you can visit our program site. Stay tuned for another post in the coming weeks with the final stats for this year's Google Summer of Code.

By Carol Smith, Open Source Programs