I was lucky enough to spend a week with a group of wonderful educators at the
Discovery Education Summer Institute. Some of these apps I learned about from the conference and some I have used before, but most importantly, ALL of these apps can be used in your classroom- no matter what subject or grade level you teach. Here are some of my favorites:

Aurasma is an app that allows you to place an aura or a "hotspot" on any object. Just take a photo of the object with the Aurasma app and the app will walk you through adding a 3D aura. The aura can be an image that is provided by Aurasma, an image you choose, or even a video you choose. The next time you "scan" the image with your device and the Aurasma app, you will see the 3D image. Imagine the uses in education: by scanning an image a of a heart in a textbook, your students may see a 3D graphic of a heart! (Thanks to Steve Dembo for this suggestion.) FREE

With the Green Screen Studio app you can place your students right into the action. Do you want them to be in the Revolutionary War or sightseeing in Paris? They can with this app! Just take their picture with your iPad and import it in the Green Screen Studio app. Remove the background they are currently in and the app replaces it with the background of your choice! (Thanks to Kim Adair) $2.99

Share ideas, brainstorm, and take notes- collaboratively! This app allows a user to start a brainstorming project- which looks like a corkboard. Users can add virtual sticky notes and draw information. Sticky notes and pens can change color. The app looks for local users with companion apps so that they can join in on the collaboration. (Thanks to Jennifer Jensen) FREE

If you have devices in your classroom then you have an automatic student response system with Socrative! You can capture real-time student data and engage your students with immediate multiple choice questions, true-false, opinion questions, and team games. You can use Socrative on the fly or prepare questions in advance. FREE

If you think a drawback of the iPad is not being able to engage your students with the great education Flash content on the web. Think again: NOT WITH ROVER! The Rover app allows your students K-12 access to some of the best educational flash based content on the web! Now your students can visit sites such as Starfall, Reading A-Z, Brain Pop, FunBrain, National Geographic Kids, Space.com, NBC Learn, and MORE! (Thanks Discovery Education Staff) FREE

This app delivers your teacher presentation to all of your student devices allowing you to keep your students engaged, focused on the content, and also allows you to assess students, too! You know if students have disengaged from the app. Teachers can share student results with the class. Teachers can customize their presentations and include the media they wish to include. NearPod works great with Discovery Education images and videos, too! Students can also use to create presentation to share out with the class to show what they know! (Thanks Amy Dent) FREE

Have you found great videos with your iPad that you would like to use but you can't find a way to download them? Roadshow to the rescue! Just open the Roadshow app and enter the URL of the website that has the videos. Roadshow will search the site and give you option of downloading the videos. This works great for Discovery Education videos which do not yet have a way of being downloaded from the iPad. Note: this app does not work with YouTube videos. (Thanks Steve Dembo) FREE

Popplet is a visual mindmapping or graphic organizer board. Users can add text and images into popplet boxes. Users simply double tap the screen to add content. Content boxes can be connected. The free version has some limitations, the paid version offers options for students to collaborate on a project and to create multiple popplet boards. Projects can be shared and saved as images when complete. FREE or $4.99

The ShowMe app allows the teacher or student to quickly and easily create a video that shows how to do something. You get a virtual whiteboard and markers, you record, save, and you're done! You can choose to share your video with the ShowMe community or keep it private. Another great feature of the app is that it also comes with a library of ShowMe videos that have already been created and shared by teachers. You can browse the library and you might just find a great video to use right away! This app is great for the Flipped Classroom concept! FREE

Making things talk is fun! It can also be educational. Use Morfo to make animals tell about their habitats or historical people talk about their importance. A fun beginning of the year activity is also to have students make a Morfo to introduce themselves. This way they can change their "look" a little and maybe be a little less apprehensive about meeting new people. Morfos can be emailed once finished, so they can be sent to a teacher email account once done. FREE