

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Install Cydia on Jailbroken iOS 6 beta Firmware for iPhone, iPad and iPod - Tutorial and Guide

Last week we had published the full tutorial and guide to Tethered Jailbreak iOS 6 beta with Redsn0w for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPod 4G Touch A4 devices with the limited access and integration of SSH and afc2 support only on iOS devices and it doesn’t included the integration of any GUI tools like Cydia and others jailbroken apps, but luckily now iOS 6 beta firmware device users can Install Cydia on Apple iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPod 4G Touch with easy integration steps and procedure. Yes you have heard it correct it’s now possible to Install Cydia on iOS 6 beta running devices including iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPod 4G Touch. Installation of Cydia on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch requires Jailbroken iOS 6 Firmware so if you haven't Jailbreak your iOS 6 beta firmware, you will need to do it before the installation of Cydia. Click here and follow the steps and procedure to Jailbreak iOS 6 beta firmware on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch device, which helps you to easily install Cydia on iOS 6 beta firmware.

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