

Monday, 7 November 2011

Evaluating Student Multimedia Projects

Have you just stared using Web 2.0 tools in your classroom?  It is important to assess multimedia projects to ensure that students are using the tools to show mastery of curricular concepts.  I think that rubrics are the best form of assessment for online or multimedia projects. 

Here are some sites that you can use to create a rubric for your student projects.  
Teachnology Rubric Generator
4 Teachers Project Based Learning Checklists
Rubric Machine

Here are some rubrics that are already created for you.  Get some ideas and then create your own.
Multimedia and Web 2.0 Tools Rubrics:
Animoto Rubric
Blogging Rubric
Multimedia Project Rubric
Glogster Rubric
Some of these links and many more links about rubrics and assessment can be found on Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators: Assessment and Rubric Information.