

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

How Do You Save Your Bookmarks?

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Do you still use the favorites star to save your bookmarks (favorite websites) on your computer?  If you do it is time to move to social bookmarking.  Social bookmarking is a way to save your favorite websites- but instead of saving them locally on your computer, you save them on the web so they are accessible from any computer with Internet access.  Social bookmarking isn't new, but I find that many educators do not realize that this even exists!  If you're a newbie, watch this Common Craft video to learn more about social bookmarking:

What are the advantages of social bookmarking and how can you use social bookmarking as an educator?:
  • Save all of your bookmarks in one place.  You will no longer have some of your websites saved on your home computer and some saved on your school computer.  Many bookmarking sites also have apps that you can use on iPads and Android devices, so you can also access your bookmarks on iPads or mobile devices, too. 
  • Social bookmarking is social because you are sharing your favorite websites with others.  You can also view the bookmarks of people with similar interests.  So, if you teach math you may find some great sites that are bookmarked by another math teacher.
  • Bookmarking sites allow you to add tags to the websites you save.  So a math website could be tagged: math, 6th grade, and algebra.  Tags allow you to categorize and organize your sites.  So when you are looking for a particular site, it is easier to find.
  • Share your online bookmarks with teachers, students, or parents.  You are creating a great resource!
  • Create a grade-level or classroom account and invite students to add websites.  Encourage students to evaluate websites for educational merit before including them on your class bookmarking site.

Here are some sites that you can use for social bookmarking:





Or, try these sites to make a customizable, visual bookmark page to link to the sites you'd like to share with others:








