Last month, 300 open source developers gathered in Tel Aviv for the 10th anniversary of
August Penguin, the annual open source event in Israel. The event started with a review of activities of
Hamakor, an Israeli open source organization that strives to drive open source software in every aspect of our life - in the government, with small-medium business and on the web. The day continued with other open source initiatives, and with prizes for local open source development and innovation, and ended with technical tracks.
Developers from all ages attended the event:

Google provided the event organizers with HTML5 shaped cupcakes, it was a blast!

Speaking of HTML5, there was a very interesting session in the event that talked about cross browser incompatibilities of many of the government websites. It was mentioned that the open source community together with Google will further engage top sites in Israel and promote an open and standardized web.
By Amir Shevat, Google Developer Relations