

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Valentine's Day Interactive Games and Activities

Here are some Valentine's Day themed interactive games, activities, and project ideas that you can use in your classroom for learning and for fun:

Word Hearts:
Use this tool to fill the heart shape with the word(s) of your choice.  Then change your fonts, color, shape, and background.

Heart Writing:
Type or copy/paste your text into the text box.  Then choose your font and font size.  The writing will transformed into a heart shape that you can print or save.

Voki Talking Avatars:
Choose a holiday themed Valentine's avatar then give it a voice by typing text, recording audio, uploading an audio file, or recording by phone.  Completed Vokis can be added to your website with the embed code that is provided.
Valentine Word Drop:
Unscramble the words before they hit the ground.
This is like Lemonade Stand, just Valentine themed.
