

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Clay Yourself

ClayYourself by could be a really fun application in the classroom.  Use it to make a clay-like avatar.  I learned about this fun site from the Digital Tools for Teachers Blog.  Make sure you check out the original article because the author has some great ideas for using this site with your students.  Images can be saved as a .jpg image when complete.

Some of my favorite ideas for using this site are:
*Students could create images to represent characters in literature or to create characters for their own stories. 
*Create avatars for students to use online when blogging or creating an online identity.
*Use the clay images in comic creator applications or make your own comic strip.
*Use the image in a program such as Crazy Talk to make the character talk.
*Use the images in a biography or autobiography.
*Teachers, make an image of yourself to use in your newsletters or on your teacher website.
*Not allowed to use student pictures on your website?  Make clay avatars to represent your students online!