

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Googlers on the Loose at OSCON

In three weeks, Googlers from offices around the world will be gathering in Portland, OR for OSCON, O'Reilly Media’s annual open source convention. OSCON will take place from July 19th - 23rd, and we’re looking forward to the opportunity to meet and interact with the open source community.

There is an impressive lineup of Googlers speaking at OSCON this year, with 20 of them presenting talks and even more attending. Click on the session names below for more information on each talk’s time and location.
Robin Anil: Mahout: Mammoth Scale Machine Learning

Dan Bentley: Make Open Easy

Tim Bray: Practical Concurrency

Ben Collins-Sussman: How to Lose Friends and Alienate People: The Joys of Engineering Leadership

Chris DiBona: Google Open Source Update 2010 and Your Work in Open Source, 3 years of Incremental Change

Brian Fitzpatrick: How to Lose Friends and Alienate People: The Joys of Engineering Leadership

Joe Gregorio: Extending Wave with Robots and Gadgets

Sam Johnston: What We Need are Standards in the Cloud

John Koleszar: Introducing WebM: High Quality, Royalty-Free, Open Source Video

Ikai Lan: Introduction to Google App Engine and What is Google App Engine?

Alex Martelli: Practical Python Patterns and Powerful Pythonic Patterns

Mark Miller: E, Caja

Dan Morrill: Android: The Whats and Wherefores

A. Ali Pasha: Challenges of running Google Code - Porn, Malware, Hacks, etc.

Dan Peterson: Extending Wave with Robots and Gadgets

Rob Pike: Go, Public Static Void, and Another Go at Language Design

Mark Pilgrim: HTML5's Multimedia Future

Mark Smith: Build Your Own Contributors (One Part at a Time)

John Woodell: Ruby and Duby on App Engine

Roni Zeiger: Google Health: Connecting Mobile Patients
If you have a particular interest in Android, in addition to Dan Morrill’s talk there will be an Android Hands-On session at 7 PM on Wednesday. This event promises to be “an intense, technical, and structured event led by Google Android experts.” Advance registration is required for this event, so don’t forget to sign up!

We’ll also be holding a Google Summer of CodeBirds of a Feather (BoF) session on Wednesday. This BoF is a chance for anyone who has been involved in Google Summer of Code or is interested in learning more to meet face to face and talk about the Google Summer of Code experience. The fun and community bonding starts at 7 PM!

In addition to all the talks and events listed above, the Google Open Source Programs Office will be holding Office Hours on Wednesday, at 2:30 PM. If you’ve ever had a question about open source and Google, this is a great opportunity to meet the team and ask it in person. You’re also welcome to just come by, say hello, and hang out.

Hope to see you at OSCON!

By Ellen Ko, Open Source Team