

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Out with the old, in with the new!

Apache members, committers and contributors descend on the Google headquarters in Mountain View, enjoying a rare chance to get together face-to-face, and getting some really great work done!

January 25th and 26th saw the oldest project at the Apache Software Foundation join forces with one of the newer Incubator podlings for a fantastic hackathon. More than twenty developers from the two projects met at Google for two days of hacking, learning, collaboration, and fun!

Members of the Apache HTTP Server team worked side-by-side with committers to the Traffic Server podling, on everything from documentation formats to getting code to build on new platforms!

The HTTP Server team finalized and released Apache HTTP Server 2.3.5-alpha, the newest version of the ever-popular web server. We also worked on tidying up our download page, and wrote up the CHANGES file and announcement texts for the release of 1.3.42. This is the final release of Apache HTTP Server version 1.3, which has now reached end of life.

Some of the issues and action items that needed to be addressed before Traffic Server can do its first release at the Apache Software Foundation

The Traffic Server podling team was even busier! The following are just some of the things they managed to do over the two days:
  • Finalized the issues that need to be addressed for the first Traffic Server release at Apache (v2.0).
  • Worked on migrating the last remnants of Yahoo! specific code into the Apache repository.
  • Patched the existing code to build on OS X.
  • Gave several interesting presentations, including a discussion of a number of changes in the pipeline for v2.2, the current "dev" branch.
  • Cross-signed developers' GPG keys with several ASF members, to broaden the web-of-trust for code-signing of Traffic Server releases.
On behalf of the Apache Software Foundation, the Apache HTTP Server Project, and the Traffic Server Podling, it's my pleasure to offer Google a huge vote of thanks for their support!

Noirin Shirley, Vice President, Apache Software Foundation; Technical Writer, Google