

Saturday, 16 January 2010 We're in Wellington!

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This year's is in Wellington, New Zealand. It's starting this weekend, Sunday January 17th, and runs all week, through Saturday, January 23rd. We'll have members of the Open Source Team at the conference all week. And we're especially excited about giving a talk next Saturday at Open Day!

Stop by to visit us at our Open Day table if you're in the area: it's free and open to the public (not just for conference-goers). Ask questions, meet people in the open source space, or just hang out and hack with us. We'll be giving a talk called "Open Source for Newbies" and we'd love to get your questions about the open source community, what you can do for open source, or how to get started in open source even if you don't know anything about it. It should be a fun day with activities for kids, lots of speakers and booths, and a hackfest going on. There's even going to be some electric cars there!

Check out the Open Day wiki on the website to learn some more. It's being held at the Wellington Town Hall. Here's the details:

Where: Wellington Town Hall
Date: Saturday January 23, 2010

Time: Doors open at 11.00 am and close at 2.00 pm

For those of you attending the conference, members of our team Leslie Hawthorn, Cat Allman, and Jeremy Allison will all be giving talks on Thursday (schedule here). Come listen to them speak on a variety of topics for the open source community today. Finally, we're having a miniconf on Google Wave™ on Monday, January 18, that is also available to all conference attendees.

Hope to see you there!
