

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Where to Find Us at OSCON 2009

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OSCON has returned to the San Francisco Bay Area for 2009, and Googlers will once again be out in force to spread the joy of all things Google and Open Source. Please make sure to join us on Tuesday, July 21st for the conference opening ceremonies, where we'll announce the winners of the 5th Annual Google O'Reilly Open Source Awards. If you've already arrived for the conference, you may want to stop by our Birds of a Feather session for the Google Summer of Code™ community this evening at 8:00 PM. We're also proud to feed all of you in the great Google tradition at Wednesday's lunch.

And, of course, there will be several talks and tutorials delivered by Googlers, including:

If you're around Silicon Valley and can't make the entire conference, keep in mind that the Birds of a Feather sessions, OSCamp and a host of other events at OSCON are free of charge to attend with your expo hall registration. We hope to see you there!
