

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Chris DiBona and Leslie Hawthorn at FISL

If you are in South America this week and you have been wanting to find out more about Google's Open Source activities or the future of Open Source and its communities, Chris DiBona and Leslie Hawthorn from the Google Open Source Programs Office will be speaking at the tenth annual Fórum Internacional Software Livre (FISL) in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Leslie will be presenting tomorrow, June 24th, 1 PM local time about Google Summer of Code™, and she'll be staying afterward to meetup with Google Summer of Code participants who are in the area. On June 26th at 2 PM, Leslie will be presenting "Community Management Basics" and how to make FLOSS projects and communities welcoming for new contributors.

Chris' first talk, "Open Source: Then, Now and Tomorrow" takes place on June 26th at 3 PM local time. In addition to the past, present, and future of FOSS, Chris will discuss how Google uses and releases Open Source software. In Chris's second talk, "An Introduction to Android" at 5 PM on the 26th, he will explain the ideas and structure behind the Open Source mobile operating system Android.

All four talks are great opportunities to learn more about Google and Open Source. Come ask questions and get to know members of the Open Source Team!

by Ellen Ko, Open Source Team