

Saturday, 16 May 2009

Zurich Open Source Jam 7

We did it again, and we are getting better at it. Last Thursday, May 7th we hosted the 7th Open Source Jam in Zurich. It was probably our largest event, with close to 50 participants!

It was a bit more than 3 hours of event, and 10 projects were presented: EVMS (Enterprise Volume Management Software) which promises to be a new model of volume management for Linux, My paint - very interesting software to create images from scratch, RTEMS - a real time operating system for multiprocessor systems, Solid State Drives, Monitoring Systems, Gurtle - an issue tracker integration for TortoiseSVN, RDKit - cheminformatics and machine learning software, a very nice overview on the development model and features of Drupal, SQL for Google App Engine, and OSGi, the dynamic module system for Java.

We would like to thank you all again for participating and sharing the interesting projects you are working on, and also invite you to subscribe to our Open Source Jam Zurich Group to stay informed about other events in Zurich.

Unfortunately, our official photographer was out of town, but we promise pictures for the next Open Source Jam!
