

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Open Source Jams Head to Belo Horizonte

In mid-November, we held our first first Open Source Jam in Brazil. If you're not sure what the Open Source Jam is — well, it depends on who shows up! It's an open forum for Open Source fans, hackers, and just plain geeks to get together, have a beer, and hear what's going on with one another. If you're looking for people to try out your latest patches or to help you get a project off the ground, it's a great place to start a conversation. You can hang out with all of us at jams in London, Zurich and now Belo Horizonte.

We had more than 30 people at our first jam. Some of them gave lightning talks on various Open Source projects, including Haiku OS, PHPEclipse, the Linux Kernel, Curl FTPFS, Megalinux, Webkit and GTK+. The lightning talks were given in two sessions, and otherwise small groups were discussing ideas and projects. To make sure nobody was thirsty or hungry, we provided free beer and food. You may want to check out our photo album of the event.

Open Source Jams are semi-regular events. To stay informed about the next jam in Belo Horizonte, or to catch up on discussions about previous ones, join the Open Source Jam Brazil Google Group. We hope to see you at our next jam!