

Saturday, 19 July 2008

Getting Giddy with Git

For Episode 18 of the Google Summer of Code™ podcast, we were fortunate enough to be joined by two mentors from the Git project, Shawn Pearce and Johannes Schindelin. Among other topics, we discussed the pleasures and perils of distributed version control systems, preparing an organization's application for Summer of Code, and some of the amazing work already completed by Git's 2008 GSoCers. You'll also get to learn the secret of Shawn's IRC handle and Johannes' commit messages, in addition to hearing about some great features in Git created by Summer of Coders and useful advice on engaging student developers in your community.

Many thanks to Johannes and Shawn for joining us!

You can download the podcast in mp3 or ogg formats. Alternatively, you can subscribe to it.

Is there a particular Summer of Code mentoring organization you'd like to see us interview? Comment away - we'd love to hear your thoughts!
